29 Nov 4 Lessons From Having a Relationship With a Business Coach
Your business coach is someone who assesses your business and helps you devise a plan to reach the goals you set for your business.
Often, the business owner becomes the topic of conversation. This should result in the business owner going on a journey of introspection to better the business. The coach has a vested interest in the business succeeding, and will highlight what needs to be, in a safe environment for the business owner – but how the business owner uses the information from the coach, will set the scene for the rest of their engagement.
This article will give insight into the 4 lessons to learn from your relationship with a business coach:
1) Your business coach wants you to succeed and is on your side
A business coach will have a passion for seeing their client’s businesses succeed. Every success is a personal victory for the coach. Knowing that their client is achieving their desired results is what drives the coach. Coaches are also driven by their client’s commitment to their relationship. When a coach feels that the client is not delivering or putting in the effort that is expected, a coach withdraws.
2) Your business coach is willing to have hard conversations with you
A business coach is happy to communicate the developmental opportunities or areas of improvement that they notice. Your coach will be doing you a disservice if they don’t communicate the good and the bad. They want you to succeed, so when they communicate something to you as the client, that is less than desirable, be open and receptive to what they see. Often the business owner cannot see what an outsider can, and a fresh perspective is a blessing not many are afforded. You can take comfort in an honest coach.
3) Your relationship is a safe space
A business coach is not judgemental. The feedback you receive from your coach should not be personalized. While criticism is not always an easy pill to swallow – receive it with the knowledge that it comes with good intention. By being mature about the way you receive feedback from your coach, you could deepen the trust in your relationship that could last for years. Make no mistake, it’s a relationship, so receiving feedback is just as important as giving feedback – be sure to find a business coach that is also willing to receive your feedback.
4) You have to do the work
As the business owner, the business coach is not paid to do the work for you, unless you agree on this upfront. A good business coach will remain at your disposal to help you do the hard yards where needed but ultimately, it is the responsibility of the business owner to research and implement the suggested changes. Your coach will hold your hand but you need to learn the skills, for your business.
Finding a business coach with whom you build a trusting relationship easily is essential. Business coaches are not always cheap, so when you do decide on a coach, be certain to find common ground that you can build a relationship with quickly. Remember, a coaching relationship is not a short-term one – your business coach’s credibility should be seen as a non-negotiable!
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